For Donors

Inspiring a Community of Generosity

Your Guide for Giving

Spur understands that the landscape of nonprofits can be confusing. We remove barriers to giving and empower donors to give with clarity, convenience and confidence.

Explore our Services

Get Advice

Receive up-to-date information on the local nonprofit landscape.

Give to a Fund

Donate to an existing fund and support local organizations through Spur’s granting process.

Start a Fund

Work with Spur to create a customized fund designed to achieve your charitable objectives.

What Makes Us Different?

  • Our commitment to seeing your dollars do good. We do not charge fees on donations or fund balances. 100% of what you give is available to grant.

  • Personalized attention to help you meet your charitable goals and track your impact.

  • The depth, breadth, and currentness of our knowledge about local nonprofits and our relationships with their leaders.

  • Our ongoing investment in the local nonprofit sector’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Donor Services by the Numbers


of funds donated to Spur have been distributed to local nonprofits


of donors gave to a new nonprofit because of Spur


of donor advised grants were inspired by Spur’s recommendations


has been donated to Spur’s Granting Funds

Ways to Give

Spur accepts gifts of liquid assets, such as:

 Spur will consider gifts of other types of assets including real estate, personal property, and insurance policies on a case-by-case basis.

FAQs for Donors

  • A few reasons: To gain a partner in monitoring the impact of your generosity, to ease the administrative burden of writing checks/collecting acknowledgment letters, and ensuring your money goes toward your intended purpose. Additionally, Spur can help manage how much direct contact you receive from the organizations you support and ensure your anonymity if desired. Spur does not charge fees, so 100% of your donation goes to the nonprofits you choose to support.

  •  At Spur, we have a finger on the pulse of community needs and opportunities and can recommend how best to have the impact you desire. We help you give to the right place, for the right purpose, at the right time.

  • Having a second DAF with Spur enables you to take a strategic approach to your philanthropy in the Wood River Valley. Many donors find it helpful to allocate a set amount for local giving, and fund it with an annual or lump sum distribution from their existing DAF. Spur provides reports summarizing the impact you are achieving and can ensure you have access to the best information about local needs and opportunities. You will gain confidence, clarity, and convenience with your local giving.

  • People with their own foundations use Spur in several ways. For those who struggle to strategically grant the full 5% required to be distributed each year, they gain extra time by granting money to a donor advised fund at Spur. Other Foundations ask Spur to curate ideas for their consideration, knowing that Spur will provide valuable insight about what’s needed and how to have the most impact. In these instances, the foundations either run the grants they choose through Spur for ease and privacy, or they give directly and make a voluntary gift to Spur in appreciation of the service we provided.

  • Yes, you can. Spur does not limit what nonprofits you can support. As long as it is a 501(c)(3) organization or agency recognized as “tax exempt” by the IRS, you can give to it through Spur.

  • When you contribute to Spur’s pooled area of interest funds you become a “shareholder” in the portfolio of grants we make from those funds. All of those grants require grantees to report on measurable goals on specific timelines. Spur stays in close contact with each recipient and monitors the results achieved and whether the work is unfolding as planned. We also prepare regular dashboard-style reports of all the grants made from the funds to which a donor has contributed. More in-depth information is available upon request.

    Additionally, Spur tracks the combined impact of all its donors, funds and grants and will share that information with key stakeholders.

    For Donors with their own advised funds at Spur, we create consolidated reports of your giving activity by year, area of interest, and timeline. These reports enable you to assess whether your actual activity is aligned with your priorities.

Additional questions?