Impact Grants

Support for projects that have the potential to drive substantial, positive change within an organization or address an important community need.



Impact grants provide Program-specific or Capacity-building grants of up to $50,000 that will have a significant impact on an important organizational or community need. These grants are intended to be catalytic in nature supporting projects that have the potential to drive substantial, positive change within the organization or on the identified need. 


  • Letters of Inquiry may be submitted through the grant portal as of December 1, 2024 and are due by midnight on February 1, 2025.


Nonprofits eligible for Spur Impact grants: 

  • Are determined to be tax-exempt by the IRS 

  • Actively and broadly serve the Blaine County/Wood River Valley community  

  • Address a local community need or opportunity 

Although not required, we highly recommend that nonprofits undergo a Spur assessment prior to submitting an application for an Impact grant. The assessment serves as a valuable indicator confirming that your organization has successfully met the criteria outlined below. 


These grants are intended to serve as a catalyst for innovative projects, enabling organizations to amplify their impact and drive meaningful change in the community.

  • Program or Project Grants: Supports the implementation or expansion of programs that align with the organization's mission and objectives. For Impact grants, the proposed activities should address a pressing community need. 

  • Capacity-Building Grants: Supports organizations in strengthening their internal capabilities and infrastructure. For Impact grants, the proposed activities should significantly enhance the organization's ability to fulfill its mission. 



  1. Eligibility and Fit: Please review the eligibility requirements, guidelines, review criteria, and FAQs on this page. If you have unanswered questions, email to arrange a time to speak with a staff member.

  2. Letter of Inquiry: If you determine an Impact Grant is an appropriate match for your project, your next step will be to complete a Letter of Inquiry (LOI), which is a brief summary of your project. Click here to go to Spur’s online Grant Portal. (To see the LOI, you must first complete the Impact Grant eligibility quiz.) LOIs may be submitted as of December 1, 2024 and are due by midnight on February 1, 2025.

  3. Invitation to Apply: Spur will respond to LOIs within four weeks and staff will notify you if your organization has been been invited to submit a full application.

  4. Application: If invited to submit a full proposal, you may login to the Grant Portal to complete the application. Applications will be due by April 7th. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Spur staff at

  5. Review and Evaluation: Spur staff will review the application to ensure it is complete and may request additional information if needed. Once staff has reviewed the application, it will be assigned to the grants committee. The Committee will review and evaluate your application using the criteria listed below. 

  6. Grant Decisions: The Committee will present its recommendations to Spur's Board of Directors. Upon the board's consideration and approval, Spur staff will promptly notify the applicant of the decision. If a grant is awarded, the payment will be processed shortly thereafter. In the case when a grant is not awarded, the applicant will be offered feedback on their application.

  7. Report: Funded organizations report on progress toward the goals and outcomes established. Reports due dates depend on the timeline of the proposed project.  



Impact and Need: Successful applications will identify and address an important and pressing organizational or community need that aligns with the applicant organization’s strategic priorities. Proposed activities should greatly improve the ability of the organization to address the identified need and have the potential for sustained positive outcomes. 

Measurable Results: We prioritize organizations that present clear objectives, outline a strategy for achieving results, and demonstrate the ability to monitor and measure the impact on the community and/or the individuals they serve. 

Clear Plan for Proposed Activities: Successful applicants present a clear description of all activities with a well-defined timeline, providing a comprehensive understanding of planned actions. We appreciate plans that demonstrate innovative approaches to solving problems.

Leadership and Capacity: We value leadership at both the board and executive levels, emphasizing a deep understanding of the community, nonprofit management, and the organization’s specific field.  We appreciate good leaders may bring diverse experiences to the role and value those who maintain an awareness of areas for improvement and actively strive to implement best practices. We prioritize organizations that have demonstrated competence and success, particularly in the area of the need identified. 

Financial Management and Sustainability: Successful applicants demonstrate fiscal responsibility, provide a clear and detailed budget, clearly outline the need for these funds at this time, and present plans that instill confidence in the sustained impact of the activities beyond this grant.  

Collaboration: Addressing complex, persistent challenges necessitate innovative strategies that often exceed the capabilities of a single organization. We prioritize organizations with a proven history of collaboration and collective endeavors dedicated to tackling community needs. 

Available Funds: We must also consider the availability of funds aligned with the request's purpose. 

FAQs for grant seekers

  • Yes, you can apply for a grant even if you have an active one. However, we ask that you provide a compelling reason for applying again, such as an unexpected opportunity or an emerging funding need. Please be aware that your application might be less competitive compared to those from organizations without an active grant.

  • Possibly. If you have an urgent request, please reach out to a Spur staff member to discuss options.

  • Spur does not fund:

    • Individuals

    • Event or sports team sponsorships

    • Religious organizations for religious purposes

    • Political organizations or political campaigns

    • Graduate and post-graduate research

    • Organizations that discriminate based on race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation or national origin.

    Spur rarely funds:

    • Organizations that are not required to file a 990 or 990EZ.

  • If you have a capital campaign request in mind, we ask that you reach out to a staff member before applying. Spur generally prefers that organizations approach us once the campaign is well underway and significant commitments have been secured.

  • The maximum request for an Impact grant is $50,000 and for a Community grant it is $10,000 . You should determine the amount you request based on the need and other funding sources available. If we are not that familiar with your organization or your organization has never received a grant from Spur, we recommend applying for a Community Grant before applying for an Impact Grant. The best way to build a relationship with Spur is to complete an assessment and stay in touch with Spur staff.

  • Yes. We encourage you to reach out to Spur staff to discuss your proposal before applying. Please email

  • You do not need to complete an assessment to apply for a grant. However, the relationships we build with an organization’s leadership and the knowledge we gain about an organization through the assessment process, help us better determine if the request is aligned with the organization's priorities and capacity. We highly recommend completing an assessment before applying for an Impact Grant.

    More than 50% of nonprofits in the Wood River Valley have participated to date and found the experience enlightening and valuable to their strategic development. What we learn not only informs our grantmaking but enables us to properly introduce your work to potential donors, identify opportunities for collaboration, and gain a landscape perspective of issues facing the nonprofit sector that may need special support.

  • No. Grants from donor-advised funds are made to nonprofit organizations based on the donor’s wishes and areas of interest. However, if Spur staff are aware of a need or project that aligns with a donor’s interest, we may share funding opportunities with Donor Advised Fund holders. As circumstances warrant, Spur will pass along ideas even if Spur has not awarded a grant to your organization. The best way to inform Spur staff of your needs is to complete an assessment, apply for grants, and stay in touch.

FAQs for grantees

  • Please acknowledge the Spur Community Foundation’s grant with our name and logo where appropriate including: websites, signage, social media, press releases, and publications. Click here to read our recognition guidelines and download our logo.

  • Reports due dates will be listed on your grant award letter. Please make note of the due dates in your calendar or database. The primary contact for the grant will also receive a reminder notification from Spur’s grant management platform, GLM, approximately two weeks prior to the due date. (If your primary contact has changed, please let us know.) You may also find report dates by logging into your GLM account and clicking on the Active Requests tab. Log into your GLM account HERE

  • Please reach out to a Spur staff member to discuss the challenge and any resulting changes to your project as soon as possible.

  • Please reach out to Spur so we can set up a new user to link to the grant and deactivate the previous one.

  • We welcome your feedback as we continually strive to make the online grant application and reporting process as efficient as possible. To share comments, please email

Additional questions?

Ready to Apply?